Dr. Henry Wells,
Wells Plastic Surgery and Skin Care
41 Years of Experience
This doctor is 5 star approved
For over twenty years Wells Plastic Surgery provides a comprehensive approach to meeting the needs of Lexington plastic surgery patients. Good results and happy patients are what motivate Dr. Wells. He is best known for breast surgery and the “Mommy Makeover”, which focuses on breast and abdominal contour surgery. Throughout his career, he has done both reconstructive and cosmetic surgery, though his practice focuses primarily on cosmetic procedures. Wells Plastic Surgery also features a luxurious medical spa offering comprehensive programs designed to address the patient's individual needs.
Dr. Henry G. Wells is certified by The American Board of Plastic Surgery, a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgery and the prestigious American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. He graduated from the UNC-Chapel Hill and received his medical degree from the University of Kentucky. He completed his plastic surgery training at the University of Missouri-Columbia in 1984 where he was an Assistant Professor of Plastic Surgery. He returned to Kentucky in 1988 to enter private practice and to be near his family after his sons were born. Dr. Wells has held leadership positions in the Fayette County Medical Society and the University of Kentucky Medical School Alumni Association. Additionally, he has been on the board of the Susan Komen Foundation of Lexington, The Rolex Three Day Event and is Past President of the Kentucky Society of Plastic Surgeons.