Monthly Archives: October 2022

Tummy Tuck Scars

Tummy Tuck Scars: Everything To Know, Healing + Treatment

The Appearance of Post-Op Tummy Tuck Scars Can Be Improved Greatly With These Tips

If you recently had a tummy tuck operation, or you are thinking about getting a tummy tuck, you probably have questions about scarring. Although you want a slimmer stomach, nobody wants big scars after an operation. Especially if the operation is supposed to make you look better, not worse.  Tummy tuck scars are visibile for some time after surgery (discussed below) but there are some things you can do to lessen them and ensure they improve and become hardly visibile over time.

Tummy Tuck Scars

With any surgery, especially plastic surgery, it’s extremely common for patients to have questions about the scars. In this article, we’ll go over everything you need to know about the tummy tuck scar.

What is a Tummy Tuck?

An abdominoplasty, or tummy tuck, is a surgical operation that takes out excess skin and fat around the abdomen. Tummy tucks are commonly combined with liposuction and muscle tightening for better results. Tummy tucks result in a slimmer, leaner, and smoother abdomen.

As many people, particularly women, look to have a slimmer, smoother abdomen, it’s no surprise that the tummy tuck is one of the most common cosmetic procedures performed in the United States. According to the Aesthetic Society, there were over 140,000 tummy tucks performed in 2019. Since then, this number has increased even more.

Although getting a tummy tuck is a relatively simple procedure, it’s natural to have questions about visible scars. Below, we’ll dive into what you should know about tummy tuck scars.

Tummy Tuck Scars

Like any surgical procedure, tummy tuck procedures involve an incision, and therefore, scars to some degree are unavoidable. The visibility, size and healing process of the scar you have to deal with after a tummy tuck depends on the type of tummy tuck performed by your surgeon. Let’s briefly discuss those so you know what type of tummy tuck scars you’ll have after your procedure.

Types of Tummy Tucks

The location and size of the tummy tuck scar depend on the type of tummy tuck your plastic surgeon gives you. Regardless of the type of tummy tuck, your surgeon will likely use a special adhesive, tape, or bandages on your incision. This will simultaneously hold the incision together and keep it moist so that it heals well and the scars are minimal.

Full Tummy Tuck

The full tummy tuck is considered a standard tummy tuck. The incision scar spans from one hip bone to the other above the pubic area, spanning your lower abdomen. There may be an additional incision scar around the belly button.

Mini Tummy Tuck

If you have a small amount of skin and fat below your belly button, your plastic surgeon will likely recommend a mini tummy tuck. The mini tummy tuck scar is smaller than a full tummy tuck scar, usually between three to six inches in length.

Fleur-de-lis Tummy Tuck

If you have a significant amount of extra skin from multiple pregnancies or major weight loss, the fleur-de-lis tummy tuck may be the best option for you. Similar to the full tummy tuck, one incision scar will span your abdomen. However, unlike the full tummy tuck, a second vertical scar runs down from the breastbone to your pubic bone.

Can You Avoid Tummy Tuck Scars?

As we mentioned, scarring to some degree is inevitable. That being said, ensuring your wound heals properly will result in smaller scars. Follow these steps to reduce tummy tuck scars:

Avoid corticosteroids

If you’re prescribed corticosteroids, speak with your healthcare provider before the surgery. Some corticosteroid medications can slow the process of wound healing and result in worse scars.

Manage chronic diseases

Some chronic conditions, like diabetes, can inhibit proper wound healing. If you have a chronic disease, talk to your healthcare provider before the surgery. They will help you manage your condition, and promote wound healing, before, during, and after the tummy tuck procedure.

Take vitamin A supplements

When you speak to your healthcare provider before your surgery, they may suggest that you take vitamin A weeks or months before your procedure. This is because vitamin A can accelerate wound healing. However, it’s important to speak with your cosmetic surgeon about taking vitamin A, because it could interfere with medications.

Stop smoking

This is an especially hard step for smokers. However, smoking can inhibit your body’s natural ability to heal properly. Therefore, if you want to minimize scarring, you should quit smoking months before the surgery.

How to Help the Healing Process After Your Tummy Tuck

In addition to following the steps above before your surgery, there are some additional things to keep in mind after the surgery to speed up the recovery and help your scars heal faster.

Follow your surgeon’s post-op instructions

Your surgeon will give you a list of detailed instructions that will help tummy tuck patients to heal after the surgery. It’s extremely important that you follow these instructions so that you can allow your scar to heal properly and avoid making it worse or allowing it to open back up.

These instructions will include steps to care for and clean your wound. Doing so will expedite recovery and result in tummy tuck scars with a smaller appearance.

In addition, they’ll list some things to avoid after the operation. For example, they will tell you to avoid any heavy lifting, including grocery bags. Also, stay away from any strenuous exercise, stretching, or sexual activity. Engaging in these activities could stretch out your skin and cause your scar to reopen. Not only will this impede the healing process, but it could cause infection.

Topical treatments

In addition, your doctor will recommend some topical treatments that will keep the scar clean and moist. Common topical treatments for tummy tuck scars include the following scar creams:

  • Scar cream
  • Antibiotic ointment
  • Cocoa butter
  • Silicone gel sheets
  • Vitamin E & D

Scar massage

Approximately 2 to 3 weeks after your tummy tuck procedure, you can try a scar massage. Done right, many patients find scar massages can increase blood flow to the area and help the wound heal faster. Also, it can break up some of the tougher tissue to make the scar smaller. Using your fingers, gently massage the scar tissue and the surrounding skin. Make sure to speak with your doctor before you try the scar massage.

Stay out of the sun

Sunlight is packed with ultraviolet radiation, while this may be good for tanning, it’s very bad for tuck scars. Similar to tanning skin, sunlight exposure can make scars turn a darker color. Also, avoid tanning as it can make the scar tissue thicker, changing its texture.

Therefore, keep your visible scar out of the sun until the scar is completely healed and faded, which usually takes between a year to a year and a half. If you’re going to be out in the sun, use sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or greater. Also, if you’re wearing thin clothing, consider putting sunscreen on the scar underneath.

Eating right

Eating right and giving your body the nutrition it needs to promote healing is also a big part of reducing scar tissue. Speak with a dietician or your healthcare provider about a diet that will prioritize the vitamins and minerals you need for optimal wound and scar healing. It may be as simple as taking a supplement once a day.

Tummy Tuck Scar Treatments

Along with these steps to reduce scar buildup and promote healing, there are some treatments that you can have after the tummy tuck scar heals to make the scar smaller.

Steroid injections

Steroid injections can be given at the time of the tuck surgery or a few weeks after the procedure. Steroid injections are generally used to treat abnormal scarring. They can reduce the appearance of  thick, red, or raised tummy tuck scars.

Laser skin resurfacing treatment

Laser skin resurfacing is another treatment that can reduce the appearance and size of a tummy tuck scar. However, this treatment is also generally used for abnormal scarring. This treatment uses lasers to stimulate the growth of new skin cells.

This treatment can:

  • Reduce pain, irritation, and itchiness in and around the scar.
  • Prevent a raised scar from developing.
  • And decrease the tightness of the scar, giving you more mobility.

Scar revision surgery

Certain scars, like keloid scars or hypertrophic scars, may require an additional surgical procedure to treat. Scar revision surgery is a procedure where the surgeon removes the scar from your skin and stitches the incision.

Usually, scar revision surgery isn’t performed until at least a year to a year and a half after the original surgery. After this time, the scar should have mostly faded and the skin should have loosened somewhat around the scar.

Find a Tummy Tuck Specialist through Surgeon Network

Whether you have a little bit of excess fat and skin you want to get removed, or you have significant tissue from weight loss or pregnancies, you should speak with a plastic surgeon. Even if you are just considering the idea, speaking with a plastic surgeon will help you to understand both the procedure and healing process better.

Surgeon Network is a company that is devoted to connecting patients with high-quality plastic surgeons. We have over 150,000 surgeons listed in our network, ranging from cosmetic and plastic surgery to hair restoration.

Surgeon Network will help you to find the right medical professional near you. Finding a well-qualified and experienced cosmetic surgeon is the best way to reduce scarring. Because the best surgeons use as small and few incisions as possible. Also, they will help you along the way as you recover to further ensure your scars heal and fade as quickly as possible.

With the directory, you can search the directory by specialty and city to find a highly-rated plastic surgeon.

Breast Lift Scars After One Year

Breast Lift Scars After One Year

Women Often Ask About Breast Lift Scars After One Year Post Operation


Feeling comfortable in your body and its appearance is essential to feeling confident and your all-around best self. For women who experience sagging breasts feeling confident may be difficult, an effective solution is getting a breast lift to reduce sagging and reshape the breasts. Breast lifts leave patients with more youthful, reshaped breasts that many women who experience sagging from aging, pregnancy, weight loss, or other factors are happier with. Prior to making the decision to have a breast lift a lot of women want to understand the breast lift scars after one year and beyond. We’ll cover that along with the procedure itself.

Although a breast lift is a relatively simple procedure, like any surgery, it involves incisions. Therefore, women who are thinking of getting breast lifts may wonder whether the plastic surgery will leave scars, after all, it is cosmetic surgery. And if so, what the breast lift scars after one year will look like and how long they last. While most breast lift scars are minimal and fade with time, the types of scar tissue depend on a number of factors and are worth considering when thinking about getting a breast lift.  In this article, we will discuss everything you need to know about breast lift scars, including what causes them, the types of scars, and how to reduce scarring.

Breast Lift Scars After One Year

Does a breast lift cause scars?

Breast lifts remove excess skin and breast tissue to improve the appearance and reduce the sagging of the breasts. Breast lifts are a surgical procedure that requires incisions into the breast tissue to remove tissue and skin in and around the breasts. Therefore, yes, breast lift leave scars.

However, there are many different breast lift procedures available and your breast lift surgeon will try to minimize scarring. Also, properly caring for the scars after the plastic surgery will help to reduce their size and discoloration.

What does the scar look like after a breast lift?

What the scar looks like after a breast lift depends greatly on the expertise of the surgeon performing the procedure and the breast lift technique they use. For example, a lollipop lift will result in a lollipop-shaped scar, which looks different from the more simple crescent lift. However, generally, the scar will be a slightly raised area that can be discolored, pink, red, or skin-colored. Below, we have outlined the different techniques and the types of breast lift scars.

What are the types of breast lift techniques?

Crescent lift

The crescent lift is a surgical technique used for patients who experience minimal sagging and therefore only need to slightly reduce the sagging of their breasts. This method only uses small incisions along the top half of the areola and it results in the least amount of scarring compared to other techniques. The scar tissue will be a small arch around the top of the areola.

Anchor lift

The anchor lift is also referred to as the inverted T lift. Most patients who receive the anchor lift procedure experience a significant sagging that they want to reduce. An incision is made along the outside of the areola, and a second incision is made down towards the breast crease. Finally, a third incision is made along the breast crease. The remaining scar looks like an upside-down or inverted T or anchor.

This technique results in the most amount of scarring because of the extent of the incisions needed to remove the significant amount of sagging present.

Lollipop lift

The Lollipop or circumvertical lift is a very common surgical technique. It is similar to the donut lift in that it involves one incision tracing the areola, in addition to a vertical incision from the areola down to the crease along the breast.

Donut lift

The donut lift, also known as the peri-areolar or circumvertical lift, uses an incision that circles the outside of the areola, resulting in a scar around the areola. This method is used for mild sagging and is often used during breast augmentation, breast reduction, or to alter the size and shape of the areola.

Horizontal Mastopexy

The horizontal mastopexy also referred to as the ultimate lift, involves two horizontal incisions above the nipple, and one incision around the areola. It is often used to reposition and reshape the areola and nipple. The result is two horizontal scars on the breast.

What are the types of breast lift scars?


Keloid scars form after an incision has healed. They appear thick and raised on the skin and vary in color from pink to red to the color of the skin or darker.

Keloid scars usually form due to significant damage to the skin and are the body’s response in the form of aggressive healing. However, some people are more prone to keloid scars than others, if you are one of those people you should inform your plastic surgeon dr before the breast surgery.


Whereas keloid scars are raised above the skin, atrophic scars form wide depressions into the skin. The result is a red portion of depressed skin.


Hypertrophic scars are usually slightly raised and discolored; however, they are less noticeable, and therefore of less concern than keloid scars.

What impacts the appearance of a breast lift scar?

The number one factor that impacts the appearance of a breast lift scar is the technique used for the breast lift and the surgeon performing the procedure. Excellent plastic surgeons will leave their patients with minimal scarring.

Other factors that impact the appearance of breast lift scars are how well they heal. After the plastic surgery is completed, your doctor should provide you with tips on how to care for the scar. You should follow these instructions carefully so that the incisions heal well and the resulting scarring will be minimal.

In addition, there are other factors that can negatively impact the appearance of scars like direct sun exposure which can darken scar tissue and can result in more visible scarring. Below we will discuss the healing process of breast lift scars and how to reduce scarring.

How long do breast lift scars take to go away?

The healing and fading process of scars is different for everyone and depends on a variety of factors including the technique used, the skill of the surgeon, the healing process, and factors that interfere with the healing of the scar. Although the scars will always be present, they should significantly fade within two years.

What do breast lift scars look like after one year?

One year after the breast lift plastic surgery the scar tissue should have already faded significantly and should be barely visible. While this still depends on the type of scar and the incisions made by the doctor, you can expect them to be only slightly raised and fading enough where they are not easily visible.

Again, what each patient’s breast lift scars look like is highly case-dependent. For example, if you got a crescent lift that results in the least amount of scarring, it was performed by a highly experienced surgeon, and you took all of the necessary precautions so the scar healed optimally, your scar should be significantly faded and barely noticeable after a year.

On the other side, if you got an anchor lift that wasn’t performed by a very highly qualified surgeon and you didn’t take the necessary steps to help your scar heal and fade, you may experience more significant scarring after a year. That’s why choosing the right doctor and doing everything you can to facilitate proper healing is essential to reducing scarring.

What can make breast lift scars worse?


Sunlight causes scar tissue to darken in color. Avoid direct sunlight to your scar tissue and be aware that sunlight can penetrate shirts. Therefore, if you are going to be out in direct sunlight, particularly where there is a high UV index, apply sunscreen to the scars to avoid any discoloration.

Avoid irritating the scar

During the healing process, you may experience itchiness and irritation around the scar. You should avoid further irritating the scar by itching or scrubbing it or excessively exfoliating the sensitive area. Doing so can irritate the scar tissue and interrupt the healing process, making the scar more visible.

Avoid heavy lifting

Heavy lifting during the first several weeks of healing should be completely avoided. Heavy lifting can cause the incision to reopen or at least interfere with the healing process.

Stop smoking

Smoking can also interfere with the healing process. You should stop smoking at least a month before the surgery and continue this through the entire healing process for best results.

How can I minimize the look of breast lift scars?

Besides avoiding anything that will worsen the breast lift or breast augmentation scars, there are things you can do to minimize the look of breast lift scars.

Breast Lift Scars After One Year

Scar massage

Gently massage the scar horizontally and vertically in order to reduce the inflammation and pain around the scar tissue while also flattening out the scar by increasing collagen fibers.


Dressings are bandages that contain silicone. After the doctor closes the incisions, dressings will be used to facilitate the healing process. They will help to reduce any scar tissue buildup and are effective up to 12 months after the breast lift surgery.

Scar gels

Scar gels are used after the incision heals. They are used to reduce the coloring and size of the scar.

Silicone sheets

Silicone sheets are bandages that prevent scars from recent incisions from getting dried out and forming excessive scar tissue. They may also reduce pain and itchiness after the surgery.

Professional scar removal treatments

In addition to scar treatments like the ones mentioned above, there is an additional procedure that is used to reduce scar tissue. Fractionated lasers can reduce the discoloration of scar tissue, although multiple procedures are recommended for maximum results.

If your scar is completely healed and you are still unsatisfied with how it looks a year after the cosmetic surgery, you should speak with your plastic surgeon to discuss professional scar removal treatments like laser therapy.


As mentioned earlier, you should always wear sunscreen on your scars if you are being exposed to sunlight and high UV index sun. This will prevent further discoloration of the scar tissue.

Using the Surgeon Network Directory to Find the Right Surgeon for Breast Lift Surgery

As we mentioned, it is essential to find a high-quality, expert plastic surgeon to perform your breast lift surgery. Doing so will ensure that not only the surgery goes through successfully without a hitch, but also that you receive minimal scarring from whichever surgical technique is right for you.

Begin your search for a highly experienced and qualified 5-star breast lift plastic surgeon immediately with the directory, where you can search by city and specialty to find the best doctor near you. Surgeon Network makes the search process easy and safe, so you can quickly set up a personal consultation. At the Surgeon Network, we boast our 5 STAR Surgeon Network Approval Rating™, which uses various essential criteria like board certification, number of years of experience and procedures performed, record, and customer reviews and ratings to determine which plastic surgeons are of the highest quality. Check out Surgeon Network today to find your perfect skilled surgeon and get your initial consultation!

How To Reduce Breast Size

How to Reduce Breast Size

If You’re Thinking About How To Reduce Breast Size You May or May Not Be Ready For Surgery


Breast size is something that can always fluctuate for women. Although many people believe that breasts stop growing after puberty, breasts can continue to develop throughout the course of a person’s life.  When breasts continue to grow past your comfort zone you may want to explore how to reduce breast size so we’ll cover all the options for you.

Common factors that result in larger breasts include hormonal changes as a result of pregnancy and weight gain. The truth is everybody’s body is different, and all breasts come in different sizes and shapes.

How To Reduce Breast Size

Although there are some women who want larger breasts for aesthetic reasons, there is also women who want smaller breasts for aesthetic reasons and pain management.

Luckily, there are options to reduce breast size ranging from a variety of natural breast reduction methods and breast reduction surgery. Below, we will go over everything you need to know to decrease breast size.

What are the Causes of Large Breasts?

As we mentioned, there are women who are dissatisfied with their breast size because they are small, and of course, there are women who feel that their breasts are too large. Large breasts can create discomfort, pain, and insecurity.

Also, large breasts don’t necessarily develop after puberty. There are in fact four main causes of large breasts:

  1. Puberty

Puberty is the most common and most widely recognized cause of large breasts. As a woman progresses through puberty her mammary glands develop, breast tissue grows, and breast fat collects making the breasts larger.

  1. Menstrual Cycle

Hormone changes are thought to be the main cause that breasts may grow in size during the menstrual cycle. Increased levels of estrogen in the early period of the cycle cause the breasts to grow in size.

Also, progesterone levels peak around day 21 of 28 of the menstrual cycle, resulting in the growth of the milk glands, also known as breast lobules.

  1. Weight Gain

Weight gain directly affects the size of your breasts. As you gain weight, fatty tissue may accumulate in your breasts, making them larger.

  1. Pregnancy

Like menstrual cycles, hormonal changes during pregnancy increase breast size. Additionally, blow flow to the breasts increase as the body starts building up milk ducts.

How to Reduce Breast Size Naturally

If you want to reduce your breast size that is a result of weight gain, there are natural breast reduction methods to try before you decide on breast reduction surgery. However, if your increased breast size is due to any of the other three causes of large breasts, i.e., causes that are not within your control and not weight-related, then breast reduction surgery may be your only option.

Below are ways to reduce your breast size naturally by losing weight:


Exercise is a very effective and practical way to lose weight and make your breasts smaller. Plus, exercise is great for you and comes with a whole host of other benefits like increased energy and better sleep! Below are exercises that are especially good for reducing breast size:

Aerobic and Cardio Exercise

Burning body fat and calories leads to a reduction in the size of breasts and aerobic/cardio exercises are a great way to do this. Here are some great cardio exercises to help you get smaller breasts:

  • Push-ups and wall push-ups
  • Chest press
  • Shoulder press
  • Jogging
  • Side raises


Combining weight training with aerobic exercises is an effective way to reduce overall body fat, build muscle, and burn fatty tissue in the breasts. Weight training, in general, will help you during your journey towards achieving smaller breasts, but here are four exercises that are targetted at specifically reducing breast size and building chest muscles:

  • Dumbell pullovers
  • Dumbell raises (front and side)
  • Face pull
  • Dumbell or barbell for your upper back


Swimming is another type of cardio exercise that is great for burning calories, fat, and building muscle. Plus, swimming might be more enjoyable for some people than other traditional cardio exercises. Also, swimming is great for your posture, keeping good posture may help prevent your breasts from sagging over time.


Yoga involves great exercises that burn calories while also stretching your muscles and increasing your mobility. Try pairing yoga with the other exercises mentioned above for the best results.


Eating a healthy diet is crucial for achieving weight loss and reducing your breast size. Here are some things to keep in mind when starting a diet to reduce your breast size.

No highly-processed foods:

Highly-processed foods often contain toxic chemicals like herbicides, pesticides, and growth hormones. These can affect your own hormonal balance resulting in an increase in estrogen levels and larger breasts.

Eat smaller portions more often:

Eating smaller portions throughout the day will increase your metabolic rate and prevent you from overeating at any one time.

Eat more fruit:

Introduce more fruit to your diet. Fruits are a healthy snack that have a high water content, which means they fill you up without too many calories.

Avoid salty foods:

Your body needs salt to function, but too much salt is bad for your body and can result in swelling in the breasts.

Avoid alcohol:

Like salty foods, consuming alcohol may increase your body’s water retention, resulting in swelling. Also, alcohol may prevent the liver from properly breaking down estrogen, causing the breasts to increase in size.

Avoid dairy:

Dairy, and cow’s milk, in particular, is often produced while the animal is pregnant, resulting in a product that has high amounts of estrogen. Consuming food or drinks with estrogen will cause the breasts to increase in size.

Eat raw greens

Green vegetables like cabbage and broccoli contain high amounts of a chemical called diindolylmethane. This chemical helps to body process extra estrogen to keep your breasts from getting larger.

Use the Right Bra

Make sure you are wearing a well-fitted, supportive bra. Wearing an ill-fitted bra can make matters worse and lead to problems that may increase your breast size. Don’t wear your bra for too long at any given time and make sure to replace them after about 180 wears or six months.


Regularly giving your breasts a gentle massage can break down the fatty tissue deposits in breast tissue to help reduce breast size.

Herbal/Food Remedies

Dietary Flaxseed

Dietary flaxseed may reduce breast size by supporting weight loss and removing toxins from the body. Grind one tablespoon of flaxseed, place it in boiling water, and drink the solution like tea. Or, add one to two tablespoons of flaxseed oil in water.


Ginger increases your metabolism, helping you to lose weight and reduce breast size. Grate a piece of fresh ginger and steep it in hot water with honey to drink as tea. Also, try adding ginger to meals you make at home like stir-fries and curries for extra flavor and increased metabolism.

Green Tea

Green tea is great for weight loss, plus it has medicinal properties. Simply steep a bag of green tea in a cup of boiled water and drink a cup or two each day. It will work even better if you can supplement energy drinks, sodas, or other high-calorie drinks with green tea.

Turmeric and Neem

Turmeric and neem are most effective for nursing women who have larger breasts due to inflammation. Turmeric and neem reduce inflammation to ease comfort and reduce breast size. Simply simmer neem leaves in four cups of water until the volume is reduced by about half. Pour the concoction into a cup and stir in two tablespoons of turmeric and honey to taste.


What’s involved in liposuction for breast reduction?

Liposuction for breast reduction is a simpler procedure than traditional breast reduction surgery. It involves fewer complications and a faster recovery time. It is usually used for small reductions in breast size, usually reducing a breast by one cup size.

Liposuction is especially common for patients who want to slightly reduce the size of one breast so that it matches the size of the other. This may happen naturally or occur after nursing or weight loss.

Liposuction involves removing fat tissue from one or more breasts to reduce their size.

What’s involved in breast reduction surgery?

Breast reduction, also called reduction mammoplasty, is a surgical procedure that involves eliminating excess fatty tissue, skin, and other breast tissue from the breast to reduce its overall size. Then, the breasts and nipples are reshaped to make them look more natural and youthful.

Breast reduction surgery is a very common procedure for women, and some men have the procedure as well.

How do I know I am a candidate for breast reduction surgery or liposuction?

If you are looking to slightly reduce the size of both breasts or one breast, you may be better suited for liposuction. Liposuction is a simpler procedure that removes fat and makes one or more breasts about one cup size smaller.

Breast reduction surgery on the other hand can be used for larger reductions in breast size.

Here are some signs you may want to get a breast reduction:

  • Discomfort and trouble fitting into bras and clothes
  • Chronic back pain, neck pain, and shoulder pain
  • Discomfort or irritation on the breasts
  • Limited activity due to breast size
  • Insecurity due to breast size
  • Nerve pain

What is breast reduction surgery recovery like?

Breast reduction surgery is relatively short compared to other surgeries. However, you should not expect to resume all of your normal activities for at least a month after the surgery, although you should be able to handle most daily household chores by then.

  • In the first week, you will feel fatigue, swelling, pain, and discomfort as the incision is still healing. You will be given a surgical bra and sterile dressings for the incision along with pain medication.
  • After week one the pain should subside but you may continue to feel discomfort.  Swelling from the surgery may begin to subside, although you will need to continue to get plenty of rest.
  • During the second week of recovery, you may return to work. Your wounds will dry and you may feel them itch and become irritated.
  • During weeks 3 and 4 you should see a reduction in swelling and begin to resume most of your normal activities, including exercise except for weight lifting and swimming.
  • By two months your life should be 100% back to normal, with the added addition of smaller breasts and the relief that comes with it.

Using the Surgeon Network Directory to Find the Right Surgeon for Breast Reduction Surgery

If you are considering a reduction mammoplasty, you need to find an experienced and high-quality breast reduction surgeon. Having a skilled plastic surgeon will ensure the success of the procedure and experienced, qualified surgeons will leave you with minimal scarring, plus you’ll have less worries before and after the surgery knowing that you are in good hands. The best breast reduction plastic surgeons understand that their patients’ appearances are important for their self-esteem so they always ensure that the procedure leaves their patients satisfied with the shape and size of their breasts and that their recovery will be as swift as possible.

Check out Surgeon Network’s complete directory to find top-notch, board-certified breast reduction surgeons using their easy-to-use search bar. Surgeon Network has developed the 5 STAR Surgeon Network Approval Rating™, to ensure that you find the best surgeons available to you so that you are extremely satisfied with your choice. Check out Surgeon Network now to get started.

Breast Reduction Recovery Week by Week

Breast Reduction Recovery Week by Week

The Breast Reduction Recovery Week by Week Overview

If you experience discomfort, pain, or insecurity due to the size of your breasts, you may want to consider breast reduction surgery. Breast reduction surgery may help you to feel more comfortable in your body and reduce the pain and discomfort that your breasts are causing you. The results of the surgery will leave you with firmer, smaller breasts improving both your confidence and your appearance.  Some women put off having a surgery due to being afraid of the recovery which is why we chose to feature the entire breast reduction recovery week by week for you here.

Breast Reduction Recovery Week by Week

While breast reduction surgery is a great option for anyone that would benefit from smaller breasts, some people considering the operation may be hesitant to go forward with the operation. Breast reduction surgery, like any surgery, requires time for recovery.

Before going into your breast reduction surgery, and while still in recovery, it may benefit you to read up on a typical breast reduction recovery timeline. In this article, breast reduction recovery week by week, we will detail what you can expect each week including tips and an overall description of what your breast reduction recovery is likely to feel like.

Breast Reduction Recovery: Timeline, Tips, & What To Expect

A breast reduction operation involves removing and lifting breast tissue to achieve a youthful and natural appearance. The procedure is performed using anesthesia. The recovery process after breast removal differs from person to person depending on various variables. Your genetics, pain tolerance, lifestyle, health, as well as surgery techniques, will determine the speed and extent of your recovery. The following article includes some typical breast reduction surgical recovery. The sooner your healing will be at home, the better your recovery will be.

Day One

The day of your surgery is also the first day of your recovery. Immediately after surgery, doctors will come to check on you and ensure that the surgery went well and that the postoperative healing process will go smoothly.

Then, you will return home wearing a surgical bra and sterile dressings to protect the incisions and stitches from opening up or getting infected.

You will likely feel swelling, discomfort, moderate pain, and fatigue due to the general anesthetic and surgery. Movement will also be difficult, so make sure you have someone at home to help care for you. You should closely follow the postoperative instructions that were given to you to ensure healthy recovery.

Days 2 to 3

On days 2 to 3 you will likely continue to feel swelling, moderate pain, and discomfort, and you are advised to wait to shower until at least 48 hours after your surgery.

You should continue to follow your postoperative instructions, as this period of time is crucial to your healing process. You will have antibiotics to prevent infection, and prescription pain medication, along with instructions on how to properly care for your incisions.

Movement will continue to be difficult so keep that friend or family member around to help you bathe and change your bandages.

Weeks One to Two

Weeks one to two of recovery is still a crucial phase of your breast reduction recovery. Your body is still working hard to heal so you have to give yourself plenty of time to rest. You may continue to feel tired at this time, especially if you are taking narcotic pain medications. Also, you may notice that swelling has begun to recede during this phase, although there may still be bruising. During the first week of recovery, you will likely continue to feel some pain, although it should be mild to moderate.

In the second week of recovery, your wounds will start to dry as they continue to heal. This may result in a desire to scratch at the wound, but this should be avoided. Your dressing may be removed during the second week and will be replaced with a compression bra. During the second week of recovery, you can begin to resume some of your daily activities.

In addition, during the second week the doctor may recommend that you begin using gel treatments or silicone sheeting to help your scar heal and reduce in size.


If you’d like to get back to your work during the second week of recovery, this may be an option for you. Speak with your doctor and depending on how well your recovery is going and the nature of your job, you may be able to resume work.


Try walking small distances several times a day to keep your body moving. It may be difficult at first but you can start small and try to work your way up to periods of 30 minutes of gentle walking. Walking promotes blood flow which helps your tissue to heal and helps to prevent any blood clots.

Avoid Heavy Lifting and Strenuous Activity

Although frequent light walking will help you during your recovery, heavy lifting and any strenuous activities should be avoided completely for at least the first two weeks of recovery. You may be tempted to start resuming your normal house chores like grocery shopping, vacuum cleaning, etc., but you should continue to rely on your friends or family for these activities. To keep you on the right track during your recovery avoid lifting any of the following things:

  • Grocery bags
  • Milk and juice jugs
  • Cat litter bags
  • Dog food bags
  • Heavy purses or bags
  • Children
  • If you’re not sure, it’s better to avoid it!

During this time keep your arms in a comfortable position and avoid reaching them over your head to prevent any stretching in the skin around the incisions. Furthermore, you will have to wait to do any stretching or exercises that could compromise your healing process.

Weeks 3 and Four

Around week 3 you should see a significant decrease in swelling and bruising and you should begin to feel more comfortable. You can begin to take on more of your normal daily activities, like driving, but you should avoid any activities that cause you discomfort.

You should continue to wear your compression bra during weeks 3 and 4.

One Month

At one month your daily life should closely resemble your preoperative routine, most of your daily tasks you will be able to do by yourself. Also, most exercises are alright to do, except for weight lifting. If you are a side sleeper, good news! You should be able to sleep on your side again without discomfort.

After one month you should begin to notice that your neck pain and back pain has lessened. Normal movement should start to return and as your swelling continues to decrease, it should be easier to fit into your clothes without discomfort.

Two Months

Most patients will find that most of the swelling should be gone two months after the operation. You can reincorporate all of your normal activities back into your life like weight lifting and swimming. If you do go swimming, wear a supportive bra and avoid sun exposure. Avoiding sun exposure will help the scar heal and reduce in size more easily.

Breast Recovery Surgery FAQs

How can I reduce swelling after breast reduction?

The best way to reduce swelling after breast reduction is to follow your doctor’s postoperative instructions and make sure that you are healing properly.

Wearing your surgical bra or compression bra will help to reduce the swelling after your surgery.

What bra should I wear after breast reduction surgery?

You will wear dressings for the incision for about the first week of surgery, afterwards, you will wear a compression bra up to around week 6 to week 8. After this period, you should wear a supportive bra and avoid any wired bras until you are completely healed.

What kind of pain can I expect after surgery for breast reduction?

The pain from the surgery will be highest during the first few days after surgery. However, you will most likely be on pain medications so the pain should be moderate at worst. During week one the pain will reduce and should be mild to moderate.

How soon can I exercise after breast reduction surgery?

Around one month you can begin to exercise again. However, start slow and avoid any

activities that cause you discomfort. Also, swimming and weight lifting should be avoided

until two months after the surgery.

How can I speed up the recovery time and healing process?

Although a recovery period of two months can’t be eliminated, there are some steps you can take to speed up your recovery and help your body to heal faster.

  • Wear comfortable clothing and avoid any tight clothing
  • Avoid strenuous activity that could harm your incision
  • Eat healthy, protein-rich foods
  • Stay hydrated
  • Get plenty of rest and sleep
  • Elevate your head while you sleep
  • Ask for help from a friend or family member so you can avoid household chores
  • Use a compression bra or surgical bra and avoid wearing a bra with an underwire

How can I reduce scarring?

Scarring is a concern no matter the type of surgery you are getting. If there is going to be an incision, you are going to be left with a scar. However, most breast reduction surgeries are performed with minimal incisions in places that are difficult to see. Furthermore, if you care properly for your wound and scars, they should fade significantly. Follow these steps to better facilitate your scar tissue healing and fading, post-operation:

  • Listen to your doctor and follow the postoperative steps to rest and care for your incisions.
  • Keep your dressings on until your doctor says you can remove them and wear your compression or a surgical bra for at least six weeks after the surgery.
  • Although you won’t be exercising much, avoid weight gain. Gaining weight can stretch the skin and widen scar tissue.
  • Rest and relax! Added stress can interfere with your body’s ability to heal.
  • Avoid tobacco products.
  • Avoid UV rays and sunlight, they can cause the scar tissue to darken.

Search the Surgeon Network Directory to Find a Specialist for Breast Reduction Surgery

If you are looking to get a breast reduction surgery, or would even like to speak to a professional about getting a breast reduction operation, use the Surgeon Network Directory to find a high-quality specialist near you.

When searching for a breast reduction surgeon, you will want to make sure that you are getting the best care possible. A high-quality specialist will not only ensure that your surgery goes smoothly without any complications, but will also minimize incisions to ensure that your recovery is fast and that you are left with minimal scarring. Furthermore, experienced and qualified specialists can walk you through the process making you feel more confident during the pre-op phase and throughout the recovery phase.

At Surgeon Network, we provide all the information you need to access the most qualified and reputable plastic surgeons near you. Our 5 STAR Surgeon Network Approval Rating™ requires surgeons to maintain specific details like board certification, minimum work experience, and a flawless record.

We ensure that patients and skilled surgeons are matched adequately to provide exemplary service. We maintain a plastic surgeon directory to assist you in locating skilled surgeons quickly. You can also review the detailed profiles of the surgeons together with their backgrounds, office locations, before and after photos, work experience, surgeons’ awards, and certifications to make an informed decision.

You can use our research navigation bar to know more about the specific cosmetic procedures, surgeon’s fee, and recovery time and use the Surgeon Directory to find a qualified breast reduction surgeon.

The Surgeon Network is your primary resource center for information about plastic surgery and locating top plastic surgeons near you. You can contact us for further queries or any additional information.

breast reduction and lift

Breast Reduction and Lift FAQs

Experiencing changes in the body that directly affect the shape and size of the breasts is a natural part of aging in every woman. However, no two women have the same body, and factors like genetics, hormonal changes, and pregnancy, along with time, can drastically alter the breasts. Women who initially look into a breast reduction often inquire about a breast reduction and lift at the same time.

breast reduction and lift

Some women with larger breasts may experience back, shoulder, and neck pain due to the size of their breasts or not feel comfortable in their clothing due to their size. Women experience sagging of the breasts at different rates, including those who have had weight gain. Some women with large breasts may feel insecure about the shape, size, and proportions of their breasts.

In order to address these problems and feel physically and mentally more comfortable and secure in their bodies, most women seek out procedures like breast reduction and corresponding lift or more commonly referred to as a breast reduction and lift.

These are both one-day surgical procedures that a qualified plastic surgeon or specialist can perform so that patients can have breasts that are a size and shape they feel more comfortable with. In this article, we will discuss some frequently asked questions surrounding reduction and lift procedures performed by plastic surgeons.

What is the difference between breast reduction and breast lift?

A lift and Breast reduction are two different procedures that can sometimes be confused because they both require removing skin and excess tissue from the breast and ultimately changing the breast’s shape. However, the reasons for each procedure and the results are very different. Simply put, a breast reduction makes the size of the breasts smaller, whereas a breast lift does not alter the size of the breasts.

Breast Lift Surgery

Also referred to as a mastopexy, a breast lift reconstructs the outer tissues of the breast, not the breast tissue itself. This procedure involves raising (or “lifting”) the breasts by removing excess skin around the breast and tightening the skin and tissue.

A lift involving the breast is performed in order to reduce sagging and create a raised, younger-looking breast. Although the mastopexy,  without additional augmentation, does not increase the size of the breast, some patients do experience added fullness after the surgery, sometimes resulting in a change of cup size. Patients may also receive a lift with augmentation in order to increase the size of the breasts while also improving the shape and reducing sagging. Breast lifts with augmentation involve the additional step of adding implants into the breast to increase their size.

Breast Reduction

While a lift does not alter the size of the breasts (without augmentation), the purpose of breast reduction surgery is to make the breasts smaller. It involves a significant reduction in breast tissue and is performed by a board-certified plastic surgeon

Also referred to as mammoplasty, breast reduction is the process that removes excess skin, fat, and glandular breast tissue using manual tissue removal techniques or liposuction to reduce the size and weight of heavy breasts.

Breast reductions leave patients with smaller and lighter breasts. Additional benefits may include better firmness, reduced sagging, and improved shape. Furthermore, breast reductions should result in reduced neck, shoulder, and back pain caused by the weight of large breasts.

Does a breast reduction include a lift?

A lift is usually included in a breast reduction operation. Due to gravity, larger breasts sag more quickly and more visibly than compared with smaller breasts. Furthermore, a breast reduction involves removing excess breast tissue and fat, so without a mastopexy surgery included in the operation, the effects of sagging would likely be more pronounced after the plastic surgery.

Because of this, most plastic surgeons perform breast lift procedures during breast reduction surgery to ensure that your breasts look more youthful and firmer, along with smaller and lighter, after the operation. Women with large breasts can opt for a breast reduction and lift.

What are the benefits of a breast reduction and lift?

Improved shape

In addition to getting the benefits of a breast reduction, which is lighter, smaller breasts, a breast reduction surgery with a lift will give you the benefits of a breast lift including an improved shape.


Breast lifts involve removing excess skin providing patients with tighter, firmer, and perkier breasts. Most women find that their remaining breast tissue feels firmer.

Repositioning of the nipple and areola 

Repositioning the nipple and areola during the operation will make the breasts appear more youthful and perkier.

Reduce the size of the areola 

Sometimes as the breasts sag, the skin around the areola stretches, resulting in a larger areola and possibly skin irritation. The size of the areola can be reduced, giving the nipple a more perky and youthful look.

Two procedures in one sitting –

Both of these procedures can be completed in one sitting, and they work hand-in-hand, meaning that they can easily be performed together. This prevents patients from having to return to the plastic surgeon’s office to receive a  lift after they’ve received their breast reduction operation.

All of the benefits of a breast reduction plus the benefits of a breast lift –

Getting a breast lift with a breast reduction means that patients receive the benefits of both operations at the same time. So not only are you getting all of the benefits you’d receive from a breast reduction like lighter, smaller breasts, reduced pain, improved comfort, etc., you are also receiving the benefits of a breast lift that are described above.

Where are breast lift incisions made?

There are three main incision patterns used during a lift procedure:

Around the areola

Incisions around the areola are made in order to lift the nipple and raise the breast.

Around the areola and down to the breast crease

Incisions are made around the areola and down vertically to the breast crease to improve the shape and raise the breasts.

Around the areola, down to the breast crease, and horizontally across the breast crease

This procedure involves three incisions and is used to more significantly reshape the breast.

What is the recovery of a breast reduction surgery with lift like?

The recovery from a breast reduction combined with a lift is relatively simple. The procedure is done in one day within the span of a few hours. Then, after the surgery, you may go home (usually on the same day). You will feel some discomfort during the first couple of weeks, especially during the first days. You may experience some mild to moderate pain, but will be prescribed pain-relieving medication. Also, as the incision heals and dries you may feel itchy.

However, you may be able to return to work after a week or two (as long as it doesn’t involve any heavy lifting). Around a month in the bruising and swelling should fade. Two months after the surgery you should be able to fully resume your normal activities including heavy lifting. By this time your scarring should also be minimal.

The recovery involves getting plenty of rest during the first couple of weeks and taking things easy. Also, you will be taking antibiotics and cleaning the incision for the first few days while it heals. Then you will wear a surgical bra or compression bra for about a month to two months after the surgery.

What happens during a breast reduction and breast lift consultation?

A mastopexy consultation involves speaking with a professional about what you want to get out of the procedure. It involves talking about your expectations and finding a procedure that is tailored to your large breasts and needs.

During a breast lift consultation, you can ask any questions you still have about the procedure and the recovery phase. Furthermore, the specialist will ask you questions about the desired shape and size of your breasts so that they can better understand what procedure they can perform to get you your desired outcome. They may also ask about your medical history and for any other information to the surgery.

Search the Surgeon Network Directory to Find a Specialist for Breast Reduction and Breast Lift Surgery

Being unhappy with your breasts is a common experience for many women. Some women have sagging breasts that they no longer feel comfortable with and want to eliminate sagging and improve the shape of their breasts so that they appear more youthful and feel more comfortable. Some women experience physical and mental discomfort with the size of their breasts, for example, the weight of their breasts may make it difficult to feel comfortable in their clothing or cause them neck, back, or shoulder pain.

Regardless of the reasons you may want to undergo a lift and reduction operation, the most important part of the process is finding a highly-qualified, experienced surgeon. Making sure that you have a reputable, top-notch doctor will ensure that the surgery goes well, you are satisfied with the operation, and your recovery goes smoothly with minimal scarring.

Start your search for the best breast reduction and breast lift surgeons by using the directory. Surgeon Network helps patients easily find high-quality board-certified plastic surgeons near you. The Surgeon Network is your primary resource center for information about plastic surgery and locating high-quality breast reduction and breast lift specialists near you. You can contact us for further queries or any additional information.