Monthly Archives: August 2014

The Skinny on Liposuction

By Dr. Peter Hyans, Berkeley Heights, NJ

liposuctionAlso known as lipoplasty, liposuction is an outstanding and commonly used procedure to remove fat from and restore youthful contours to the neck, upper arms, abdomen, buttocks, hips, thighs, knees, and calves. Liposuction can refine areas of the body that do not respond to weight loss and exercise.

Who can have liposuction?

If you are a man or woman in good health and you are at a healthy and stable weight, you are likely to be a candidate for liposuction. The best candidates for liposuction are women and men who take care of themselves, have realistic expectations given their overall appearance, age, and skin type, and who want to treat stubborn areas of fat that do not respond to diet and exercise.

Liposuction is not a substitute for weight loss or exercise: it will not improve or correct dimpled skin (cellulite).

Firm, elastic skin is best suited for liposuction because it helps support new contours that liposuction yields. People with loose skin that does not shrink to fit the new contours from liposuction benefit most from a combination of liposuction and skin-tightening procedures such as tummy tuck, buttock lift, thigh lift, and arm lift.

Talk with your Surgeon Network plastic and cosmetic expert about which liposuction and cosmetic procedures will give you the exceptional results you seek.

About Liposuction

During liposuction, the plastic surgeon uses a small tube (or cannula) to break down and suction fat from areas of the body that do not respond to diet and exercise.

In many cases, plastic surgeons use a special (tumescent) technique to help protect surrounding tissue and reduce bruising, swelling, and pain after the procedure. Tumescent liposuction involves injecting excess fat with anesthetic liquid before suctioning. The liquid causes pockets of fat to swell and firm up ¾ an approach that makes the liposuction tube glide smoothly beneath the skin while suctioning fat.

Some less-involved liposuction procedures can be performed under local anesthesia and intravenous sedation to ensure that you are relaxed and comfortable.

Extensive liposuction, especially if it is combined with other cosmetic surgeries, requires a general anesthetic and an overnight hospital stay. The length of any liposuction procedure depends on the number of areas you are having treated and your unique needs and desires.

Does liposuction leave scars?

Scarring from liposuction is minimal. Incisions for the procedure are very small (typically ¼ inch). In addition, surgeons place liposuction incisions in natural creases of the body so that they will be concealed once they have healed. In most cases, scars from liposuction are almost completely unnoticeable once they have healed.

Liposuction Recovery and Results

The outstanding results of liposuction are long lasting if you maintain a stable weight.

During the first few days after liposuction, your surgeon will recommend over-the-counter or prescription medication to keep you comfortable. Most liposuction patients wear a compression garment for a week or longer to help minimize swelling.

Treated areas are likely to be bruised for a few weeks after the procedure. While most swelling will resolve within a month or two, some minor swelling can remain for 6 or more months.

Most patients return to work 2 to 3 days after liposuction, but some people need as much as 2 weeks before returning to work. The length of your downtime after liposuction will depend on the extent of the procedure. In addition, it is important to avoid vigorous exercise and strenuous activity for four to six weeks after liposuction to ensure proper healing. During that time, you will have follow-up visits with your surgeon who can tell you how you are healing and when you can resume all your activities.

Plastic Surgery after Weight Loss and Bariatric Surgery

O-B_shutterstock_133911842If you have recently lost a significant amount of weight as a result of dieting and exercising or if you have had successful weight loss after bariatric surgery, you might be experiencing the upside as well as the downside of weighing less ¾ feeling better overall, but having loose, sagging skin that droops and folds.

 If you are among the many people who have undergone weight loss surgery or if you have lost a lot of weight from diet and exercise, your clothes might be a smaller size, but they might not fit properly. The excess, loose skin that developed when you were heavy can gather in inappropriate areas that make you look and feel uncomfortable.

 In addition to being unattractive, excess skin after weight loss also can have negative implications for your health. For example, excess skin can fold over on itself and cause hygiene problems, rashes, and even infections. Excess skin from gaining and losing large amounts of weight won’t disappear on its own.

 Body contouring surgery after weight loss can tighten and reduce extra skin on your neck, arms, chest, breasts, abdomen, back, thighs, and buttocks and help restore your body to a more appealing shape!

Who can have body-contouring procedures after weight loss?

 If you are in good general health, have excess skin from weight loss that will not go away with diet and exercise, and if you have realistic expectations about your appearance, you are likely to be a good candidate for plastic surgery after weight loss.

 Talk with a Surgeon Network body-contouring expert. He or she can tell you what procedures are right for you. You can find out what procedures will yield the most meaningful results and what you can expect from them. In addition, your surgeon can tell you how long you will need to recover from each procedure or a combination of procedures so that you can plan your work and life schedule to accommodate your goals.

Body contour procedures can be performed with other plastic surgery procedures to give you a polished, youthful, sophisticated appearance.

Body Contouring After Weight Loss

Depending on the amount and location of your excess skin, you might want to consider one or more cosmetic procedures to remove excess skin, tighten it, and improve your appearance overall.

If you have lost a large amount of weight and have many areas to treat, your surgeon might recommend that you have several procedures to achieve your overall goals. You and your surgeon can plan a schedule that accommodates your lifestyle and budget.

Many people who have lost a large amount of weight are left with drooping, excess skin that can be uncomfortable, unsightly, and embarrassing. Weight loss and bariatric surgery patients are the fastest growing group of people seeking plastic surgery.

 Body contouring options include:

  • Arm lift to remove excess skin and eliminate “bat wings” to create tighter, firmer, younger-looking upper arms
  • Breast augmentation, breast lift, or breast lift with implants to restore natural breast volume, remove excess, sagging skin, and lift the breasts for perky, younger-looking breasts
  • Comprehensive body lift to remove excess skin and fat from the arms, thighs, abdomen, and buttocks in one procedure
  • Liposuction to remove stubborn fat from your hips, thighs, and/or abdomen to create smooth, pleasing, youthful contours
  • Lower body and buttock lift to create smoother, tighter contours for sexy, narrow, appealing hips and buttocks
  • Thigh lift to tighten excess skin, smooth your thighs, and restore a youthful look to your upper legs
  • Tummy Tuck to remove excess skin, tighten abdominal muscles, and leave you with a slender waistline and flatter stomach

 What about body contouring for moms?

Even moms who gained 40 lbs or more during pregnancy experience frustrations similar to those of people who have lost weight after bariatric surgery. For example, sagging flap-like breasts, droopy folds on the abdomen, and a protruding stomach are common side effects of gaining and losing weight from pregnancy.

If you are one of many moms frustrated with an older, matronly appearance after pregnancy, you could benefit from the outstanding results of body contouring procedures such as breast lift with or without implants or a tummy tuck. In addition to surgery after weight loss, mommy makeovers have become a common way many women restore their pre-pregnancy, youthful figures and self confidence.

Dr. Patricia Yugueros, a board certified plastic surgeon specializing in plastic surgery after Bariatric Surgery in Atlanta, explains that while some body contouring procedures can be performed at the same time, you might need to schedule surgeries at different times to achieve the results you desire.

Recovery from Body Contouring After Weight Loss and Bariatric Surgery

Many body-contouring procedures require a minimum downtime of 2 weeks for recovery. In most cases, you will need 4 to 8 weeks to return to vigorous activities after more complex procedures. The bottom line is that you must plan around your body contouring procedures so that your focus is proper healing for best results. Whatever time it takes to get you back in action, it will be well worth the while!

Once you and your surgeon decide which procedures are ideal for you, he or she will give you detailed information about how to prepare for and recover from each procedure or a combination of procedures.

 Results from Body Contouring After Weight Loss and Bariatric Surgery

Results from body contouring procedures are long lasting if you eat sensibly, exercise regularly, and maintain a stable weight.

Find out more about Surgeon Network experts who offer a range of body contouring procedures to help you look and feel your best.

The Rise of Male Plastic Surgery

How I Met Your Mother star Ben Affleck is settling into his forties as a proud dad, happy hubby, confident actor, and all-around handsome guy. Despite turning 42 on August 15, the leading man looks hotter than ever!

O-B_shutterstock_99924014Although being a Hollywood star is without a doubt one of the most high-pressure careers when it comes to appearance, men in a variety of careers are learning that looking great is important for keeping up in today’s competitive job market. Gone are the days when jowls and an imposing belly were an expression of power and success. Now more than ever, looking young, fit, and vigorous indicates that you’re a winner in the game.

Whether you are an entrepreneur, a Wall Streeter, a sales executive, or a CEO, looking your best can help give you the edge you need to succeed.

In addition to improving your appearance, male cosmetic surgery can improve your self-esteem and give you the confidence you want and need to win business and earn the admiration of your colleagues.

Simple in-office procedures like Botox Cosmetic can take years off your face, erase lines that make you appear tired and angry, and restore a calm expression that suggests exudes confidence.

More involved procedures such as eyelid surgery, facelift and neck lift, brow lift and forehead lift, and liposuction can restore your overall youthful appearance.

Male plastic surgery can help you express the positive energy and can-do attitude your clients expect.

Because of improved techniques with incisions, suturing, and healing, state-of-the-art plastic surgery is designed to leave no visible signs. For this reason, you can feel confident knowing your surgery results can look completely natural. Instead of looking “done,” you will look rested and refreshed.

 What’s Popular in Male Plastic Surgery

Nose reshaping (or rhinoplasty) is among the most popular plastic surgery procedures for men. Even small changes in the size and shape of the nose and nostrils can have a dramatic effect on the appeal of a man’s face. Computer imaging is a great way to see how reshaping the nose can balance it with all your facial features and enhance your overall appearance.

 Facial fillers are another popular cosmetic procedure for men. They can diminish and eliminate signs of aging on the face. Your plastic surgeon can fill facial folds and wrinkles in a single office with wonderful, immediate results. In addition, you can return to all your normal activities after having facial fillers. Many men enjoy the outstanding results of facial fillers used in the lines around the mouth (marionette lines) or between the nose and cheeks (nasolabial folds).

Facial fillers can help turn back the hands of time for a refreshed, healthy look. They also can help prevent creases and wrinkles from deepening.

Eyelid surgery (or blepharoplasty) can eliminate or reduce bags under the eyes. Lower eyelid bags can be removed from inside the lid so that there are no visible scars. For upper eyelid surgery, the incision is usually made from the edge of the upper eyelid to ensure that your eyes look masculine.

If you tend to have wrinkles that run across the forehead or if you face has begun drooping overall, brow lift is an excellent way to open up the area around your eyes and restore your youthful appearance. In some cases, brow lift can be performed with incisions in the hairline so there are no visible scars.

Facelift for men involves preserving the natural hairline and contour of the sideburns, while lifting skin enough to restore a youthful, healthy appearance without “pulling” the face. Many men have the sagging skin and muscles under the chin tightened (submentoplasty) to sculpt the jawline and neck for a masculine result.

Who Can Have Male Plastic Surgery?

If you are a man who is in relatively good health who is comfortable with yourself and interested in eliminating or diminishing some of the effects that occur with aging, you are a good candidate for plastic surgery. Talk with your doctor about which procedures can yield the best results for you.

Learn more about Surgeon Network experts who offer the full complement of plastic surgery procedures for men.