Plastic surgery is not for everyone. You must always remember that plastic surgery is a way to enhance your look, not change it. There are always limitations to what surgery can do for you. When considering any type of plastic surgery procedure, it is also important to keep in mind that there are different levels of cost, risk and recovery time needed for each procedure. Take the time to research the particular type of plastic surgery you are looking to have performed on you and make a consensus decision as to whether or not you can afford both the time off work and the cost of the procedure. Also determine the amount of discomfort and risk associated with the plastic or cosmetic procedure and decide whether you are able to handle the recovery process and are healthy enough to overcome the risks. With that being said, plastic surgery can help you in so many ways! If you have done your research and you feel you are indeed a candidate for plastic surgery, than the possibilities for enhancing your body are endless. Recent and ongoing advancements to the field of plastic surgery have led to quicker and less intrusive methods to do anything from change the shape of your nose through rhinoplasty surgery to increasing the size of your breasts through breast augmentation. New breakthroughs in endoscopic surgery have lead to bariatric surgery with less risk and shorter recovery time and the list of innovations to all methods of plastic surgery grows each and every day. We at Surgeon Network wish you all the best in your quest for an improved look but urge you to take the time to thoroughly research and weigh the benefits and the risks associated with any type of plastic surgery procedure. We hope we are able to help you with the process in any way we can.