Breast Lift

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Local Board Certified Breast Lift


Breast Lift

$4,000 - $10,000
2 -4 Hours
2 Weeks

Breast Lift  Surgeons

Breast Lift (Mastopexy)

A breast lift, or the medical term mastopexy, refers to the plastic surgery procedure intended to tighten and reshape the female breasts. Many women who develop sagging breasts due to pregnancy or old age are ideal candidates to receive the surgery. Often times a breast lift is accompanied by breast implants in which case it is called breast augmentation.

How a Breast Lift is Performed

A breast lift surgery is performed by making one or more incisions to each breast of the patient. These incisions can be around the areola (nipple), under the breast at the natural fold, or for patients requiring extensive work, an anchor cut is often performed which is a combination of the two. An anchor incision consists of the surgeon cutting around the nipple followed by a vertical incision down the curve of the breast and an incision under the breast connecting the two. Flaps are thereby created in which the surgeon can tighten and remove any excess skin as well reposition the nipple if necessary. The open incisions are sutured together and the patient begins the recovery process.

Types of Breast Lift Surgeries

A Full breast lift is intended for patients requiring more modification then the limited breast lift. Both procedures are performed relatively the same, the difference is the size and number of incisions made to each breast.

Length of Procedure and Required Treatments

Breast lift surgeries are major surgeries and requires anywhere from 2-4 hours to complete. The patient is almost always put under general anesthesia and the surgery will often take place in an out patient center or a hospital. An overnight stay is usually not needed although in some instances it is required.

Recovering from Breast Lift (Mastopexy) Surgery

Breast lift recovery is a long and arduous process. You should expect to feel mild to intense pain immediately following the procedure which should last for a couple of days. Your surgeon will most likely prescribe a pain killer to help combat this initial pain. The breasts will appear to be high on your chest and there will be bruising and swelling which is natural. The skin will eventually settle and the breasts will gravitate to their natural form in about a week or two. The bruising and swelling may continue anywhere from one to several weeks. Your surgeon will have you wear a surgical bra during this time. It is not recommended that you return to work for 2 weeks although each patient is different. Overall recovery of the breasts will take around 6 weeks.

Breast Lift Risks

A breast lift performed by a board certified plastic surgeon is a relatively safe procedure; however, as with all surgeries there are certain risks to take into consideration. In the case of a breast lift, risks may include unfavorable scarring, dissymmetry of the breasts, loss of feeling or numbness, infection and a bad reaction to the anesthesia.

Breast Lift Cost

The cost of a breast lift will vary from surgeon to surgeon and can be affected by a number of factors including location and individual patient needs. Typically it can range anywhere from $4,000-$10,000 the average falling around $5,000.

Is a Breast Lift Right for You?

Are you a candidate for a breast lift? Breast lift surgery will not change the size of your breasts, in order to accomplish that you would need to undergo breast implant surgery or to reduce the size of your chest, breast reduction surgery. However, if you are looking to improve the look of your breasts by tightening and reshaping them, then a breast lift is the proper procedure. Ideal candidates are over 18 years of age, in relatively good health and do not smoke.

How to Find Board Certified Breast Lift Surgeons Near You

Finding the right breast lift surgeon can be a difficult task to say the least. First determine if the surgery is right for you. After you have completed your research, if you are still looking to have the operation done, then it is time to speak with plastic surgeons. We recommend you consult with as many as possible. Do not make the mistake of going with the first surgeon you see or the one with the lowest price. Choosing a surgeon is a very important and personal decision; choose the one that fits best to your needs. In order to help you with this process we have compiled a list of surgeons in your area. Visit our plastic surgeon directory for 5 Star Surgeon Network Approval Rated™ Surgeons near You.