Paul Schlach Lepe

A picture of PaulSchlachLepe

Paul Schlach Lepe

Silenso Clinic

This doctor is 5 star approved

Dr. Schalch Lepe often sees patients with chronic nasal obstruction, snoring, and obstructive sleep apnea who are interested in minimally invasive treatments. His patients are often unable to tolerate continuous positive airway pressure therapy (CPAP) for a variety of reasons. He offers Inspire upper airway stimulation therapy, an innovative treatment for patients with moderate to severe sleep apnea.

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About the Practice

A picture of PaulSchlachLepe

Paul Schlach Lepe,

Silenso Clinic is a specialized otolaryngology (ENT) practice, focused on the diagnosis and treatment of nasal obstruction, sinus disease and snoring/sleep apnea.

Surgeon Description

Paul Schalch Lepe, MD, FACS, is a double board-certified otolaryngologist and sleep medicine specialist specializing in disorders affecting the ears, nose, and throat at Silenso Clinic in San Diego, California. His expertise is in advanced procedures to diagnose and treat airway obstruction and obstructive sleep apnea, using both surgical and non-surgical approaches.

Certifications and Accreditations

Memberships and Affiliations
  • UC San Diego Health System Pneusomnia ENT Associates of San Diego

Education and Training

  • Loyola University Medical Center
  • Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM) School of Medicine, Mexico City, Mexico
  • Otolaryngology – head and neck surgery at UC Irvine, in Orange County, California
  • Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM) School of Medicine, Mexico City, Mexico

Patient Testimonials

  • I wanted to say thank you for your helping me deal with my cancer doc! I'm alive and well over four and a half years out from the day! I'm telling you like you are my brother, Thank You! ..  Continue Reading >>

  • At my appointment I told Dr. Schalch Lepe that I hadn’t felt this good in 2 years! ..  Continue Reading >>


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