Seth L Matarasso, MD
Seth L. Matarasso, M.D.
This doctor is 5 star approved
Dr. Matarasso is a Board Certified Surgeon whose facility offers the latest techniques and technologies in a comfortable environment. Dr. Matarasso offers a variety of cosmetic services such as BOTOX® Cosmetic, Restylane®, Cosmoderm®, Mohs Micrographic surgery, Tumescent liposuction, and Hair transplants.
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Dr. Seth L Matarasso is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania and the University at Buffalo School Of Medicine. He received his post graduate medical training at the Mt. Sinai School of Medicine, Baylor College of Medicine and the University of California School Of Medicine in San Francisco where he completed a fellowship in Mohs Micrographic and Cutaneous Surgery. He is a Clinical Professor of Dermatology at the University of California School Of Medicine in San Francisco and recently was the recipient of the Outstanding Teacher of the Year at that institution. He is recognized as an expert in the field of cosmetic dermatology and has published over 75 articles in the peer reviewed literature and has presented 300 lectures nationally and internationally. He currently serves on the editorial boards of the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, Archives of Dermatology, Dermatologic Surgery, and Cutis. He is on the Board of the American Society of Dermatologic Surgery and is the President of the California Society of Dermatology and Dermatologic Surgery.
Eye For Cosmetic Procedures Although others are less expensive, Dr. M’s touch and great eye for cosmetic procedures has me returning time after time. 11/9/15.. Continue Reading >>
Great Dermatologist After just relocating to the bay area from Laguna Beach I needed a great dermatologist. Dr. Seth is exactly what I was looking for. 11/2/15 .. Continue Reading >>