Tummy Tuck Scars: Everything To Know, Healing + Treatment

The Appearance of Post-Op Tummy Tuck Scars Can Be Improved Greatly With These Tips If you recently had a tummy tuck operation, or you are thinking about getting a tummy tuck, you probably have questions about scarring. Although you want a slimmer stomach, nobody wants big scars after an operation. Especially if the operation is supposed to make you look better, not worse. 

The Skinny on Tummy Tuck

Aging, being overweight, pregnancy, and obesity can stretch out muscles that underlie and support the organs in the abdomen, permanently changing the shape of the stomach and softening the elasticity of the skin on your abdomen. In some cases, the stretched muscles and skin can result in a pouch-like bulge or even a hanging apron of skin that cannot be corrected with diet and exercise.