Frequently Asked Questions – Breast Implants (Breast Enlargement, Breast Augmentation) FAQs
How does a plastic surgeon perform breast implant surgery?
Breast implant surgery is a cosmetic plastic surgery procedure intended to increase the size of the breasts by inserting a pair of prosthesis into them. Breast implants start with an incision that can be either under the breast (inframammary), around the nipple (periareolar) or in the armpit (transaxillay). In the case of saline implants, the surgeon can insert the implant deflated and inflate it after it is inside breast resulting in a smaller scar. The silicone gel implants which represent a more realistic feel are inserted fully inflated causing the cosmetic surgeon to make a larger incision. Either way, the implants are positioned in the chest and the open incisions are then sutured together.
What is the cost of a breast enlargement?
A number of factors affect the cost of getting breast implants. These include the location of the surgery, the individual patient needs, the type of implants and the plastic surgeon performing the operation. Typically you can expect the cost to fall anywhere from $3,000-$10,000.
What is the difference between silicone and saline breast implants?
Silicone implants are firmer and less likely to rupture. They are made of a silicone gel and have a more realistic look and feel to them. Saline breast implants are filled with salt water, they are not as firm and are more likely to rupture or collapse. However, saline implants are cheaper, they require smaller incisions and they are easier to detect a rupture with.
How long does breast implant surgery take?
Breast implant surgery usually takes anywhere from 1-2 hours.
What are the risks involved with breast augmentation?
As with all surgeries there are risks to be taken into consideration, although the procedure performed by a board certified plastic surgeon is relatively safe. Some risks include a rupture of the implant, excess fluid buildup, unfavorable scarring, post operative bleeding, dissymmetry and adverse reactions to anesthesia.
Are breast implants right for me?
That depends. Are you at least 18 years of age or 22 if you want silicone implants? If so it is recommended that you be in relatively good health and a non smoker. Talk to your plastic surgeon to definitively decide if implants are right for you.
How do I get breast implants?
The first step in getting breast implants is to make sure it is the right surgery for you. After you determine that you want to go ahead with the procedure, you must first determine whether or not you can afford both the time off work (2 weeks) and the price of the procedure $3,000-$10,000. If you are still serious about getting breast augmentation then it is time to contact a board certified plastic surgeon in your area. We recommend you visit multiple doctors until you find one that feels right for you. You are welcome to browse our 5 Star Surgeon Network Approval Rated™ surgeons in your area.