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D & G Plastic Surgery
Male breast reduction Surgery is a cosmetic surgery performed in order to reduce the size of the male breasts. Unlike female breast reduction, male breast reduction is often performed with liposuction alone. Excess fat is removed through a tube in cases where there isn’t much excess glandular tissue. When excess glandular tissue is present a larger incision has to be made although with male breast reduction, the incisions are usually small.
The most common cause for men receiving breast reduction surgery is gynecomastia which is a condition not uncommon among men that results in excess amounts of fat or glandular tissue in the breast area.
Recovery time for male breast reduction is usually far quicker than female breast reduction especially if only liposuction is performed. Typically bruising and swelling will occur for around 2 weeks after the operation.
For More Information see the General Information Page for Breast Reduction Surgery.