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Local Board Certified Vaginoplasty

Vaginoplasty  Surgeons

Vaginoplasty is a plastic surgery procedure performed usually by a board certified plastic surgeon, which is intended to strengthen and tone the inner vaginal wall of the patient. The procedure requires the surgeon to remove any excess skin and tissue from the inner wall of the vagina. The surgeon will then repair the surrounding tissues creating a smaller and stronger vaginal opening. This surgery differs from labiaplasty which is intended to reduce the outer and or inner labia or vaginal lips of the patient. When both procedures are done at the same time it is referred to as vaginal rejuvenation.

Recovery for vaginoplasty requires the patient to stay off of their feet as much as possible for the first 3-4 days. During this time there will be some mild discomfort and it is not unlikely to have a small amount of blood discharge from the vagina. Patients should consider taking a full week off of work; however, they should be physically able to return before that time frame.

The cost of the procedure will usually run anywhere from $5,000-$8,000 but that can vary dependent upon several factors including location of surgery, surgeon performing the operation and the individual patient needs. Vaginal rejuvenation can cost up to $12,000 or more dependent upon the surgeon.

For More Information see the General Information Page for Vaginal Surgery.