Ultrasonic Assited Liposuction

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Local Board Certified Ultrasonic Assited Liposuction

Ultrasonic Assited Liposuction  Surgeons

Ultrasonic Assited Liposuction

Ultrasonic Assisted Liposuction which is commonly referred to as UAL is a cosmetic surgery procedure that is performed in order to remove pockets of fat in a patient and contour their body in order to provide a healthier look. Used in conjunction with Tumescent Liposuction, UAL uses ultrasonic vibrations to break up the fat cells in order to extract them through the suction device. This technique provides the patient with added benefits but is also accompanied by additional risks as well. The benefits of using ultrasonic vibrations are that more dense pockets or fat are able to be broken up. In addition, the surgeon can perform the surgery with more precision and the ultrasonic vibrations also tighten the skin which can negate the need for a tummy tuck in order to tighten the abdominal region. The problem with Ultrasonic Assisted Liposuction is the fact that the amount of heat used can greatly increase the risk of burns associated with the operation.

The time the procedure takes can vary greatly depending upon how much fat is to be removed and how many areas it is to be removed from. UAL surgeries can take anywhere from one hour to several hours. The cost of the procedure can also greatly vary depending upon numerous factors and can range anywhere from $1,000- $8,000 typically.

For More Information see the General Information Page for Liposuction Surgery.